I’ve Got My LIM Report – Now What?
Written by Claire on . Posted in LIM
Your LIM Report has arrived from your local council for the house you are looking to buy – now what! There is a lot of information in a LIM Report and knowing what to look for, knowing what it serious and what is minor, and wondering what is missing can make assessing the LIM Report a daunting task – you went to the time and effort of getting it – make the most of it.
Getting a LIM Report
You may have ordered your LIM as part of working through your conditions on an agreed sale and purchase agreement, or you may not have agreed the sale yet - the house may be for sale by auction or tender and you feel that a LIM is important to have before deciding on a price for the house – whatever the reason - the LIM Report needs to be gone over carefully.
Looking Over Your LIM Report
Read through the summary pages – potential issues are likely to be obvious here. Then dive into the main contents of the LIM. Look for outstanding financial obligations, resource consents, building permits, and related plans. Check that all issued consents have been signed off. For building work from 1992 onwards, check that a code of compliance certificate has been issued for works completed.
Take your personal knowledge of the property, its buildings, retaining walls, land use and the surrounding properties and the area and consider that against the information contained in the LIM. You should ask questions of the seller and the council if you find differences.
Getting Expert Help With the LIM Report Analysis
It is always a good idea to look over the LIM report with your lawyer when you receive it. Your lawyer’s experience and expertise regarding LIMs, combined with your knowledge of the property and your thoughts on what you intend to do with the property, will ensure that the LIM is understood and the full implications of any aspects of the LIM are realised.
Get additional expert help from a valuer or builder (the councils ‘on duty’ building officer is a great free resource), or any other relevant professional if you feel you need it to get the full picture.
What To Do With the LIM Report Results
Consider what impact the findings of the LIM report will have on your enjoyment of the property and the value of the property before you make your decision on whether this is the house for you.
The Propertytoolbox House Buyers Guide
For all you need to know about LIM’s check out the Propertytoolbox information on LIMs. For everything else there is the Propertytoolbox Home Buyers Guide.